AmigaOS3.5 (231/967)

From:Michael Rozeboom
Date:5 May 2000 at 11:47:18
Subject:Re: boingbag


On 03-May-00, you remarked:

>a Hello, Derek.

>a You wrote at 03-Mai-00 concerning "*Re: [amigaOS3_5] Re: boingbag*":

>a> Ok, so I downloaded the LZX utility from AMINET and installed it,
>a> but I'm still missing something. After attempting to extract the
>a> boingbag1.lzx file, I get the following message:

>a> Extracting files from archive 'boingbag1.lzx':
>a> 0 file(s) extracted
>a> Operation successful.

>a> I have downloaded the boingbag file three times. What am I doing
>a> wrong? Should I abandon the Amiga alltogether and move to the dark
>a> side because of this?

You should test it to see if it is corrupt.

How are you downloading it? I tried unsuccessfully with the AWEB SE
included with OS 3.5, so I tried Voyager. Seems AWeb was corrupting files.
Testing the achive confirmed that.

LZX files seem to be corrupted by Netscape under windows, whereas LHA files
survive the transistion.

The BoingBag archive in LZX format is also on Amiga Format CD 51 and 52,
probably 53 too. Going to miss getting an Amiga magazine with a CD...

>a Did you set the right arguments to lzx?
>a Try lzx -x x
>a and the path and filename behind that.

>a Regards, Armin

>a ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>a eLerts
>a It's Easy. It's Fun. Best of All, it's Free!
>a ------------------------------------------------------------------------



Michael Rozeboom
__ /// B2000-060/OS 3.5/67M
\\\/// Member, Team *AMIGA* SCSI-II: 2.2Gig HD & CDRom
\XX/ CV64-3D & 19" VGA Monitor.
Disclaimer: Any errors in spelling, tact, or fact are transmission errors.

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